
Thanks for stopping by and joining me on my journey for the search of wonderful health and energy while discovering myself!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Meditation and Yoga

Fill yourself with fresh air
And exhale all of your cares
Feel your worries slip away
Bringing yourself energy for a brand new day
Ideas and creativity filling your head
Clearing out the cobwebs
With each breath
Opening up
More room inside for positive light
Your ride's about to start
Your adventure is taking flight.
-Me :)

Last Sunday was my first day of meditation.  I've made it a whole week! I started at 5 minutes and today made it up to 15 minutes.  I really focused more on my body and my breath and my hands and that seems to slow the chatter in my mind.  Then I wanted to test out my creativity on a poem.  I'm wondering what a half hour everyday will do and if it will help me with my painting.

Today was another double class of Power Yoga.  I can really feel a difference from when I first started on July 13th.  I've barely missed a day, and some days take 2 classes back to back.  At first I could feel myself saying, "What have I got myself into!?" But since it's almost been a month and I can feel my strength coming up a bit it hasn't been as torturous, (lol) and I can concentrate more on my breath and form since I'm learning the vinyasas, the poses, the names of the poses and the general flow of the class.  It's becoming more familiar and I'm becoming stronger and I haven't heard myself say "What have I gotten myself into?" in a long time.  It's more like, "Ah, this feels so good."  Meditation in Motion.  I still have to work on the before bed mediation.  I always forget that one.  I must say though, that I've been sleeping better than ever, seem to require less sleep, have more energy, and get up early everyday, sometimes without an alarm! So far, all positive things have come from Yoga... and I'm just starting!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Yoga and Meditation

"As your eyes open, you'll see that your state of health, happiness, and every circumstance of your life has been, in large part, arranged by you- consciously or unconsciously." -Way Of The Peaceful Warrior
What a great quote! Makes you think about things, and realize that you are in control of your life, and you can do whatever you want! Don't blame anyone for not going after your goals in life....

I just got back from the Bahamas again yesterday for Pango Pango Swimwear.  Another wonderful trip.  This time I got a little more free time.  I actually was able to take an earlier flight over and read for 2 hours before everyone else came.  Now, that I get up early I also got to go to the beach every morning at six or seven am to do yoga and meditate.  Today is actually my 5th day of meditation. 
I switched from reading Raw books to yoga books and spiritual books.   I keep reading of all the wonderful things that come from meditation, and how it helps your life for the better in so many ways.  So I thought, I want to check this out and see what this is all about! I want to experience this magic! I want the clarity.  I want to be able to tap into my intuition and creativity.

I'm reading Way Of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman and 40 Days to Personal Revolution by Baron Baptiste.  40 Days to Personal Revolution is Baron Baptiste's 2nd book.  I finished Journey Into Power, his first book, explaining all about yoga.  When I get interested in something, I just want to totally submerse myself in it and learn everything that I can possibly learn about it.  Right now, that seems to be Yoga! At my yoga studio they are offering a 200 hour Teacher Training Certification Class.  It teaches to teach a challenging power vinyasa

yoga class.
- basic anatomy and physiology.
- more about yourself through self study
exercises and discussions.
- the breakdown, alignment,
modifications, and sequencing of
- to assist and evaluate students ...
physically and emotionally.
- Ujjayi and Pranayama breathing
- yoga’s beginnings through group
studies of the yoga scriptures. (Yamas
& Niyamas, Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras,
and the Bhagavad-Gita).
- lifestyles and ethics for yoga teachers.
- communication and presentation
skills to teach to different levels of
yoga experience.
- that teaching yoga goes beyond the
yoga classroom.
- yoga as a business.
I was so excited! This is everything that I want to learn and know! I was getting ready to sign up for the classes when I realized that it conflicted with my work schedule.  :(   The good news is, since I won't be taking that, I can spend more time now working on my paintings.  :) 
Since I signed up for yoga a few weeks ago, I barely miss a day and on some days take 2 classes in a row.  It makes you feel amazing.  Baron Baptiste said that for good results, go 3 days a week.  For life transforming results, go 5 or 6.
So, since I'm an over achiever... I go 7!
First, I started out with the Raw Diet.  Then, the next natural progression seemed to lead me to Yoga.  Then, the next natural progression seemed to lead me to books on spirituality and meditating.  These things all seem to lead to more peace and clarity.  Wanting to take care of my body from the inside out and the outside in.  I've been spending a lot of time by myself reading and thinking about the big picture of my life.  I've been feeling very positive and creative. 
I can't wait to see what's next for me, after I gain a better understanding of spirituality and mediation and how that will help me with my creativity and intuition.  I can feel myself changing everyday.  All I know right now, is that I'm a happy girl.