
Thanks for stopping by and joining me on my journey for the search of wonderful health and energy while discovering myself!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dinner in Nicaragua

It's been difficult to be on vacation in a foreign country and stay on a clean diet.  The menu options are very limited! I haven't been able to eat all raw, but I have made the best food choices that I could.

When Sean returned from fishing today the restaurant grilled up the tuna and mackerel.  I had a large garden salad with a small piece of mackrel.  It was nice to know that it was as fresh as could be!

After lunch, the hotel asked us to switch villas.  They said that there was a problem with our electricity in our villa.  I hadn't noticed any problems but we said, "No problemo."  After viewing two villas that were available, we chose villa 17.  Then we hung out by the pool for an hour or so.  After the pool we headed back to our villa to find that it was infested by large carpenter ants! There were all over the walls and floors, although not so much in our bedroom as compared to the downstairs living room and kitchen, but there were a few in our bed! :( Frown!!

We were about to head down to town for dinner when the tremendous downpour started.  It was coming down really hard! 9 of us went to the Bamboo Beach Bar.  There weren't too many choices for my diet, practically none! I think I got the healthiest thing on the menu.  It was actually a special.  Chili Orange Mahi Mahi with veggies and a glass of red wine.  Una copa de vino tinto.  It was absolutely delicious.  The chili orange sauce was a little spicy and a little sweet.  I'm sure that means sugary.  Once again I was glad to know a little bit of Spanish.  It really helps! They don't seem to kmow much English here.  They know a little bit, enough to get by, but I'm really glad for what I know and I'm disappointed that I don't know more.

I was kind of dreading coming back to our villa because of our ant problem and then I heard at dinner that you are supposed to shake you sheets out before you go to bed in case of scorpions! That's the first thing we did when we got back! And I'm happy to report that I haven't seen too many ants.  I did hear a couple of horror stories about bugs at dinner, but I don't want to say, because I don't want to attract that kind of vibe!

It's time for bed, it's 11:34 pm.  Breakfast is at 8 am and yoga is at 9 am.  Other than that I don't think we have anything planned.  It seems to rain a lot.  I would like to go for a walk tomorrow.  Maybe read a book.  Goodnight! Buenos Noches!

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