
Thanks for stopping by and joining me on my journey for the search of wonderful health and energy while discovering myself!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Truth!

Wow.  I'm a big believer in educating yourself.  I like to read a lot, and constantly try to learn new things about my health.  Over the past hour I can honestly say my eyes have been opened in a way that they have never been open before.  I have seen the light, and I have decided to make a quick transition to veganism.  I know, that's a major life decision, and it shouldn't be taken lightly.  I just spent about an hour reading half of the book, "Skinny Bitch: A no-nonsense, tough-love Guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous!" by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin.  It was on the #1 New York Times Best Seller List.  I had already decided to become a Raw Foodist before I came on this trip, but didn't know if it could be a lifelong lifestyle.  I thought that I may go more into a 80/20 diet eventually.  I know that eating Raw is important because of the health benefits and the enzymes that clean your body.  Feeling great and looking great, and staying slim and forever young sold me.  I'm only half way through the book, but in the past hour my eyes have been opened to practices of slaughterhouses in America and as I was reading the book I was in tears.  It was making me sick.  There were quotes from slaughterhouse workers that I rather not get into.  They were so graphic, descriptive and violent that right then and there I decided (about 20 minutes ago!) that I would never touch animal flesh again! O man, it is so horrible to read.  I give the authors credit.  They definitely accomplished what they set out to do.  That's to turn you vegan.  I have recently been reading all sorts of books on Raw.  They tell all about the benefits of the Raw Diet.  But this book.... it's so powerful! I highly recommend it to anyone who needs a swift kick in the ass to get their diet on track.  I highly recommend it to anyone who ever felt the least bit of regret eating an animal.  I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone, just to have the knowledge and not be ignorant of what the food industry is all about.  It literally moved me to tears! And I do NOT cry.  I felt so moved by the book Skinny Bitch, that while I'm sitting here in my bathing suit on my Nicaraguan porch in a rocking chair, I demanded the laptop from Sean so that I could tell everyone about it!
The book was not at all what I expected.  I picked it up about a year ago in Barnes and Noble and just had a quick peek.  Then I heard someone (I think on Dr. Oz) mention that it was actually a pretty good book; that it was right on.  I thought it would be funny, and just be your basic healthy diet.  Lean meat, lots of veg and fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes.  You know, that average health book.  Boy, was i wrong! I had no idea it was a vegan book! You must read it! And now, I must go, so that I may continue on my reading.  Please check it out.

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