
Thanks for stopping by and joining me on my journey for the search of wonderful health and energy while discovering myself!

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Reason Why I Became Interested in Raw

Good Morning! I'm sitting outside again on this beautiful Florida morning. It's 82* F in the shade but the weather channel says it feels like 88* F. It doesn't feel that warm yet, but I can tell, it's gonna be a hot one!

I'm having my breakfast. One scoop of Sunwarrior Protein Powder, A tbsp on the carb barley powder, a tbsp of the supergreens, half a bag of spinach, a half cup of blueberries, a half banana, carrots, and ice and water blended, topped off with cinnamon. Breakfast of champions! Actually, I should say, Breakfast of Athletes! Before I found the protein powder on Day 5, I was feeling extremely week at the gym, and didn't think I was going to be able to make it! Now, I feel GREAT!

Ever since I moved to Florida 6 years ago, I really became interested in my health and anti-aging, and how to be beautiful from the inside out. It was really great to meet my friend Jillyn who lives in Colorado, because she's really into health the holistic way, I'd guess you'd say. Even though I considered myself really healthy, I ate a lot of protein bars and drank a LOT of coffee, and used a lot of Splenda. (I switched to Truvia about a year ago, but lately haven't needed sweetener since I kicked the coffee!) Other than that, I ate an overall healthy diet. I was always into GIANT salads, wheatgrass juice, fruit smoothies etc. Anyway, when she came to visit for my birthday, she brought a book called 12 Steps to Raw Foods. I started reading it while she was here, and then asked if I could borrow it when she left. The more I read it, the more intrigued I became about this Raw way of life. It just seemed to make sense.

When I was about half way finished the book, an episode of Dr. Oz came on called Supermodel Anti-Aging Secrets. One of the guests was Carol Alt. At the end of her interview she said she was on a Raw Diet. She said, "I've never looked or felt better." She said that it was life changing and it's a whole new amazing world. After seeing her, and hearing how amazing she felt, I decided, I want to try this!

I quickly finished 12 Steps to Raw, but that book was more like the philosophy of Raw. I needed more of a guideline. Like what to eat, when, why, etc. I needed more rules!

The next day I went to Barnes and Noble and bought 5 books, one of them called Eating In The Raw, by Carol Alt, herself!

While reading these books, I never had my beloved eggs for breakfast since! That was on May 10th. And you know how much I love eggs! Sometimes I would have them 3 times a day!

The first week was very difficult. I started out my day with a kale and veggie juice that I would blend up, but that wasn't hearty enough to get me through my day at the gym. Especially if I was lifting weights. Something that none of the books seemed to address was protein for an athlete. When I lift weights at the gym, I lift as heavy as I can for 10 reps, so I need something serious besides a veggie juice to keep me going! I was getting frustrated because from Monday to Friday when I worked out I felt very weak and out of it and tired and not myself. I was thinking maybe this isn't going to work for me, I gotta bring my eggs back!

I joined a website called GoneRaw.com. I posted a forum about being a raw athlete. Lots of people wrote to me to suggest and support. Some people said you get all the protein you need from veggies. Some people recommended hemp and pumpkin seed powder. Some people ate 8 bananas for breakfast! That day at gym, I almost couldn't finish my workout. I felt so dizzy!

I was told by some employees of Publix Greenwise, there was a nutrition store a little south of there, where they specialize in Raw foods and sprouting so I decided to go there after the gym. I almost didn't go because I was so tired, but boy am I glad that I did. I met a great guy named Seth there and he has been Raw and Vegan on and off for about 7 years. He said I HAD to get the Sunwarrior Raw Vegan Protein Powder, Barley Powder and Superfood Powder. He also helped me with buying a sprouting jar and guided me on how to sprout chickpeas. (Which I later made into a raw hummus!)

Now that I have my protein powder, not only do I feel as good as I had felt before, I actually feel better! So now I have no problem being Raw and I'm not hungry at all! I want to report that as of Wednesday I think I have hit a turning point after 10 days. I feel that I don't need as much food and I don't feel as hungry. I am trying to listen to myself before I eat and ask myself, "Am I really hungry?" I've been waiting til my stomach growls. I've been forcing myself to chew longer. Usually I'd take a really big salad to work and work on it all night because I was bored, hungry or both. Now, I haven't even been finishing it because I've been getting satisfied half way through. I wonder if this normal. I'm still trying to figure things. My dehydrator is on the way! And 5 more books. My skin looks amazing. Now, I feel great. I love that I'm getting so many fruits and veggies into my system. I kicked coffee! I want to feel amazing everyday and do the best thing for my body while keeping my mind sharp, my soul energized and body tight! I want to treat my health like an investment for my future! I want to be forever young! That is why I'm going RAW!


  1. Wow, this sounds great and definitely got my attention, I think i'm going to order that book "Eating Raw" you suggested, and thanks for the info about the protein because that's a problem i've been having. No matter how hard I try to force myself I can't eat breakfast which makes it rough at the gym so I normal make a shake... You look great chick, you always get me motivated!;)

  2. Thank u! I just another great book! Read this one first!! "Skinny Bitch"! It will super super motivate u. I'll post something about it this wk. ;)
