
Thanks for stopping by and joining me on my journey for the search of wonderful health and energy while discovering myself!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nicaragua Continued....

In the middle of my little "in villa circuit", (push ups, tri push downs, kickbacks, and obliques), I heard a knock at my door. It was James' (the groom), mom. She asked if I wanted to go into town with her and her husband and James' Grandad. So I decided to go! When we got there, it was down pouring. We walked a couple of blocks and got completely soaked! We went back to Big Wave Dave's Bar and sat there to dry off til our taxi was coming back. I read my O Magazine and had a glass of Merlot. I'm glad I had a bathing suit on because I was so wet from walking around the town with no umbrella and barely any overhangs to duck under. Sitting at the bar was a welcome activity compared to walking the wet muddy streets of San Juan del Sur. James' Dad said that he saw a guy run into a pole on his bike rubbernecking me as I was going by in my Pango Pango Swimwear... that's hilarious!

I guess I'm going to add another food group to my diet on this trip. Red Wine. There isn't a lot of food that I want to eat here. I had a red wine earlier instead of lunch. At least I know that red wine is good for me. When I get back- it's organic sulfate free Sardinian wine all the way! (Dr. Oz mentioned that Sardinian wine is the darkest red with the most health benefits.)

After the taxi picked us up, we stopped at the grocery store. It was pretty cool that I was the only one in the taxi that knew Spanish so I could do my best to communicate with the driver who spoke no English. I don't know nearly enough, but what I did know really helped out!

So I'm 2 weeks almost all RAW today, but what a challenge trying to find something to eat around here. At the grocery store I bought 3 bananas and 2 apples. They said the fruit with the protective peel on it like bananas would be safe to eat, and that the apples were imported. It cost me about $1.30. Of course it was in Cordobos so I had to try to do some quick math at the register which I am not the best! 20.5 Cordobas for a dollar.

Back at the villa, I just finished my glass of wine from town, had a small banana, and I'm waiting for Sean to come back from the fishing trip. I wonder what the caught. I wonder if there was a canopy on the boat to protect them from the rain or if they got as, (or wetter!) that I did.

Another great reason to stay RAW and tight this week, I have a photo shoot in less than a week in the Bahamas. The only problem about trying to be RAW in a foreign country is that there is some bacteria on the fruits and veggies, and you need to cook them to make it healthy for consumption. At least I can be vegetarian I guess. I hear we are going to a Mediterranean restaurant tonight in town.

I'm so glad I brought my portable Bose speakers. There are a definite MUST for any trip! It finally stopped raining. Maybe I'll take a dip in the pool soon. Or a nap!

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