
Thanks for stopping by and joining me on my journey for the search of wonderful health and energy while discovering myself!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ATV's, Wedding & Los Balcones

Yesterday was a most eventful day!
  I started my day with mass amounts of fruit.  After that, we headed up to the room to get ready for out ATV tour.  The best excursion EVER.  We had these bad ass fast ATV's and took them all over San Juan del Sur.  We went through the town, to two beaches, up mud trails, through the forest, and up to the Cristo.  The Cristo is a giant statue of Jesus Christ on top of a mountain at the tallest point.  It was a muddy, fast adventure! We even saw a monkey in the trees jumping from branch to branch like a squirrel.  We got lots of pictures from up top by the Cristo.  What a great way to see the town!

After we returned from our awesome trip we sat by the pool and ordered lunch.  I ordered a big fruit platter that consisted of a giant slice of watermelon, cantaloupe, bananas, pineapple, a side of honey and a side of a half shot of Grand Marnier.  I couldn't even finish all the fruit.  All for $4.95.  Wow.  I wish I could get fruit platters at restaurants back home for that cost.  Sean drank the Grand Marnier.  Then we swam for about 20 minutes and headed back to the room.  We showered and got ready for the wedding and pack up our suitcases and headed to the pool.

Gabby asked me for my passport and I didn't understand why.  I thought it had to do with the ATV tour and I told her I already showed them my passport.  Then she explained that it had to do with being a witness.  Surprise! I was Becca's maid of honor! I didn't even know till we came down to the wedding! She looked amazing in a form fitting white elegant dress.  James had a white Tommy Bahama looking shirt and white linen pants.   The ceremony was done in Spanish and translated line by line into English by Gabby.  The background to the wedding was the pool, mountains, and the Cristo.  It was perfect.  I can' t wait to see the pictures! The photographer had taken them into town before the wedding and got some great shots of them walking around the streets.  After the ceremony we had champagne and then went to the restaurant. 

The restaurant was owned by a couple from San Francisco.  The menu had great options.  I had a watermelon gazpacho with avocado and extra virgin olive oil.  It was like a puree.  Very delicate and not too sweet.  I'll have to look that recipe up when I get home and make it.  It was so light and healthy.  Sean ordered the fresh tuna sashimi chunks that were marinated in soy sauce.  Talk about fresh! It was the deepest color red I have ever seen in sashimi in my life, and I have never tasted anything like it before.  The freshness was incredible.  A 100 year bottle of wine was popped open from James' Grandfather and passed around.  Numerous shots of Flor de Cana were brought to the table.  Sean and I shared a bottle of champagne.  For dinner I ordered the rooster fish with steamed broccoli.  I ate all the steamed broccoli first and by the time I got to the rooster fish I was full.  I only had one bite, and then passed it over to Sean.  It was more of a steak fish.  I was very happy with my veggies, they were so delicious, and they didn't use any butter or oil.  Flourless Chocolate Cake was served and I actually passed! It look so decadent.  Everyone tried to get me to try it.  Once the cake was taken away I thought how all I had to do was wait out 15 minutes and then the cake was gone and I felt so happy that I didn't feel deprived at all! And I didn't feel guilty because I didn't have any sugar!

Gabby moved down to our end of the table and Sean and I picked her brain about Nicaragua for an hour! We asked her everything we could think of.  I really like San Juan del Sur.  I asked her the best way to learn Spanish.  She said there is an Instant Immersion program.  She would match us up to a family that she thought we would fit with, and according to what comforts we like such as air conditioning.  Then we would come over here.  I would start my day with a Yoga program and then go to four hours of Spanish class, then break for lunch, and then go back for 4 more hours.  Then we would have dinner with our "family".  We could then go out to a bar, or choose to stay at home and spend time with our family.  That's a trip I've always wanted to take!  I've always said that I wish that I was dropped off in the middle of a Spanish speaking country and forced to learn the language.  The program is about ten days, and then we could spend the next four days at a resort to complete our 2 week vacation. 

We asked Gabby about everything from questions about the government to questions about why there is no day light savings time and why the sun sets at 6 everyday.  She told us that San Juan del Sur is very safe.  There are sometimes some flare ups in Manuaga.  She said a bunch of kids get together and cause a scene and the rest of the people roll their eyes and drive two blocks around them.  Usually someone records it and then they play it on CNN and it looks like the country is in upheaval.  From what I could see I never felt like my safely was threatened; I always felt comfortable.  Everyone has been so friendly.

After dinner we all headed up the mountain to our next residence called Los Balcones.  It is a self sustained house with solar power and a water filtration system.  We are literally in the middle of the rain forest! We don't have AC, but you don't need it.  It's all open air with screens everywhere.  Some walls are full screen walls.  The house is made of a beautiful, rich wood.  Sean and I are staying in a detached house a few steps away with a kitchenette.  I slept like a baby.  I feel so close to nature with the gentle breeze blowing through our house all night long.  I woke up at 7 am.  It's such an amazing and clean feeling.  The house has a nice big kitchen, 2 other bedrooms with bathrooms and a master suite.  Each set of bedrooms, including ours is not attached to the house; there are a few stone steps in between.  Ours is a little further away though.  They said practice the rules of camping.  Shake out your sheets before you get into bed and check your shoes before putting them on.  There could be scorpions.  

I want to come back in a few months and stay with a Nicaraguan family.  I would start everyday with yoga and then 8 hours of Spanish...sounds like my perfect vacation.  When I get back I'm going to look into my local neighborhood yoga studio.  I looked it up online and it looks really cool.  I will also finish my Spanish One workbook that I was using when I was taking classes.   I also have a list of verbos that I should know more of. 

From what I have experienced in Nicaragua I'm sad to leave tomorrow.  I feel very welcome here.  Don't get me wrong, there are some very poor living conditions around here but there are also places like the ones that we stayed in that are very comfortable as well.  It's nice to get away and not watch TV.  I already decided that I would try to do better things with my time that watch TV.  Between work, the gym, painting, Spanish, and yoga I will always have something to do.  I like reading a lot and have been blowing through health books lately.  I have a new dehydrator to play with when I get back.  I have lists and lists of books that I want to read.

I just can't explain the wonderful feeling of happiness I feel right now sitting at the little table in my rain forest house.  It is totally overcast and no need for AC.  The breeze is just the right amount circulating air all around our place.  We have the Bose speakers playing my OM play list.  It's happy, upbeat and relaxing.  I'm taking deep breaths to get the fresh, clean forest air into my lungs.  Yes, I'll be sad to leave Nicaragua... no responsibilities.  Just relaxing and enjoying our surroundings.

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