
Thanks for stopping by and joining me on my journey for the search of wonderful health and energy while discovering myself!

Friday, June 11, 2010

One Month Raw Report! 50 Secrets of the World's Longest Living People

Good Morning everyone! It's been one month RAW! I did it! I havent' been 100% Raw, but as close as I could get.  On vacation, as I reported, I ate small portions of fish at night.  I also drink Green Tea, which technically is not Raw, but I know how important it is for me.  The first week was difficult.  I felt really out of it.  I felt really weak at the gym.  My strength and stamina were down.  Then I found a Raw Protein Powder and that really helped me.  Since vacation, and back to the gym, I haven't really used to protein too much.  I have adapted to not so much protein as I used to have.  I have a powerful shake every morning, and that actually gets me through my workouts.  
In the past month my appetite has gone way down! I'm over the hump of the new lifestyle.  I'm the most comfortable I've ever been in my life with a diet.  I don't have all the crazy cravings I'm used to having everyday.  Everyday was usually a challenge to avoid sugary foods.  My average weight used to range from 131-137, depending on how much I cheated any given week.  I would strive to be under 130 for photo shoots.  (I would kill myself on the treadmill cramming all my workouts in to get ready for a shoot!)  My weight is now 127 everyday!   I have so much energy! Anyone that knows me, knows I didn't usually get up before 11 am.  Now, I wake up before my alarm everyday at 9:45-10 am.  I don't need as much sleep.  I am more organized.  I cleaned up my diet, and other things in my life started cleaning up as well.  I'm constantly reading.  I can't soak up enough information. I have over 15 books on the subject of RAW food and Secrets of Longevity.  Not only do I want to look good, I also want to feel amazing.  I want to learn how to stay feeling amazing throughout my whole life, and fuel my body, respect my body, and treat it right, so it will treat me right for the rest of my life.  I'm happier than I've ever been! I feel in control of my life.  I'm a sugar addict, and this diet has helped me get in control.  I finally don't think about food 24/7; sure I still think of it a lot, but now I'm not always craving brownies.  I kicked coffee!  I cannot recommend this enough! Everything that the books said would happen... All the energy, great feeling of well being, clarity, happy mood, weight loss, glowing skin... it's all true!! It really is a life changing difference, and I could not be happier!!!
I'm enjoying a powerful shake right now...
Dried Gogi Berries
Wild Blueberries
Cracked Chollera
Spinach and Arugula
Raw Cocao
Coconut Water
Just my morning shake is at least 6 servings of fruits and veggies.  "Strive for 5" is not enough!  I read that you really need to strive for 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day.  In fact, I just finished another book. 
The book studied the cultures of Okinawa, Japan, where residents have 70% fewer heart attacks than Americans.  Symi, Greece, whose ageless inhabitants reap the benefits of diet rich in extra virgin olive oil.  Campodimele, Italy, the "village of eternal youth", where adult cholesterol levels are equivalent to those of infants.  Hunza, Pakistan, the real Shangri-La, where apricot's healthful benefits are legendary.  Bama, China, the "hometown of longevity," which boast exceptionally low rates of disease and cancer.
The factor I noticed that they all had in common was that the main staple of their diets were veggies and fruits that were organically grown.  Also healthy fats, oils, nuts, seeds.  If they had meat, it was only for special occasions or as a side dish.  The veggies were the main staple of their meals, and the meat would be on the side or a topping.  The opposite of America, where meat is the main focus, and the veggies are a side dish.  When they did eat meat, it was lean, organic meat from their own animals.  They also enjoyed red wine with dinner.  The cultures are simple.  They all partake in exercise everyday.  They walk everywhere everyday.  The elderly still work into their 100's.  They aren't made to feel that their days are over.  The older they become, the more respected they are for their knowledge.  The centurians still work everyday, walk everyday, and the word "retirement" is not in their vocabulary.  Family and a strong sense of community; a tight social network is important to them.  The societies were all very close with one another and at nights they would all hang out together singing, and dancing.  Lots of generations lived together in the same house.
There are no fast food restaurants.  Smoking is not common.  A small amount of wine, especially red wine, is good for you, and is drunk in MODERATION by many long-lived people.  And by moderation, I mean ONE drink a day for women, and TWO drinks a day for me.  More than that, especially hard liquor, will significantly speed up the aging process.  Pharmaceutical drugs are avoided.  Refined Sugan is the most degenerated food there is!  Caffeine, like sugar, is addictive.  Salt increases blood pressure and raises the risk of heart disease.  Canned food, tap water, mercury amalgam fillings, and contaminated meat are all sources of toxic heavy metals, which accumulate in the body and cause degenerative diseases.  Plastic wrap and plastic packages contain hormone-disruptive chemicals that are linked with conditions such as infertility and hormone-related cancers.
There is lots of fresh air, they spend a lot of time outdoors being active.  They grow their own veggies, fruits, herbs, livestock, wine..

Without giving a book report, I will list the 50 secrets, but I really recommend reading the book, because there are too many details for me to get into all the info. 
1.  Eat Until You Are Only Eight Parts Full
2.  Consume at least 5-7 Servings (up to 10) of Fresh Organic and Veggies Daily
3.  Choose Buckwheat, Brown Rice, and Other Whole Grains4.  Eat Sprouted Bread
5.  Use Hemp (No, I'm not talking about weed!)
6.  Eat Meat as a Treat
7.  Prepare Your Meat Right
8.  Choose Organic Goat's and Sheep's Cheese
9.  Be Full of Beans
10.  Have a Good Egg
11.  Find Good Fats in Fish
12.  Have a Handful of Nuts and Seeds Daily
13.  Choose the Wonder Oil- Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
14.  Use Garlic and Onions- Nature's Healers
15.  Beware of Fats in Disguise
16.  Keep Away with a Salad a Day
17.  Discover the Power of Crunchy Veggies
18.  Give Thanks of Sweet Potatoes
19.  Enjoy Pizza
20.  Snack on Apricot Kernels
21.  Find Long Life in a Bowl of Cherries
22.  Have Yogurt for Very Friendly Bacteria
23.  Eat Fermented Foods
24.  Choose Soy- the Traditional Way
25.  Sprout Your Own Superfoods
26.  Eat Magical Mushrooms
27.  Remember Your Herbs
28.  Don't Pass the Salt
29.  Go Organic and Avoid "Frankenfoods" (Genetically Modified)
30.  Chew
31.  Beware the Pastry Counter
32.  Have a Glass of Red Wine with Dinner
33.  Make Time for Tea- Green Tea
34.  Drink Water- the Most Essential Nutrient
35.  Combine Your Foods
36.  Spring- Clean with Juices and Saunas
37. Supplement Your Diet
38.  Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
39.  Get Your Daily Dose of Sunshine
40.  Jog Your Memory
41.  Breath- and Hum
42.  Sit Still and Do Nothing
43.  Have Faith
44.  Laugh It Off
45.  Sing in the Shower
46.  Give Help to Others
47.  Marry- or Get a Dog
48.  Invite a Friend
49.  Avoid the SAD- the Standard American Diet!
50.  Sleep
This list goes into great detail in the book, all the reasons why.  Also, it explains how these things are important in the different cultures in the book.  The first section of the book goes into great detail about each culture, and even gives case studies of centurians.  It's definitely worth reading.  I learned a lot! I will try to incorporate more into my lifestyle!

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