
Thanks for stopping by and joining me on my journey for the search of wonderful health and energy while discovering myself!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Meditation and Yoga

Fill yourself with fresh air
And exhale all of your cares
Feel your worries slip away
Bringing yourself energy for a brand new day
Ideas and creativity filling your head
Clearing out the cobwebs
With each breath
Opening up
More room inside for positive light
Your ride's about to start
Your adventure is taking flight.
-Me :)

Last Sunday was my first day of meditation.  I've made it a whole week! I started at 5 minutes and today made it up to 15 minutes.  I really focused more on my body and my breath and my hands and that seems to slow the chatter in my mind.  Then I wanted to test out my creativity on a poem.  I'm wondering what a half hour everyday will do and if it will help me with my painting.

Today was another double class of Power Yoga.  I can really feel a difference from when I first started on July 13th.  I've barely missed a day, and some days take 2 classes back to back.  At first I could feel myself saying, "What have I got myself into!?" But since it's almost been a month and I can feel my strength coming up a bit it hasn't been as torturous, (lol) and I can concentrate more on my breath and form since I'm learning the vinyasas, the poses, the names of the poses and the general flow of the class.  It's becoming more familiar and I'm becoming stronger and I haven't heard myself say "What have I gotten myself into?" in a long time.  It's more like, "Ah, this feels so good."  Meditation in Motion.  I still have to work on the before bed mediation.  I always forget that one.  I must say though, that I've been sleeping better than ever, seem to require less sleep, have more energy, and get up early everyday, sometimes without an alarm! So far, all positive things have come from Yoga... and I'm just starting!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Yoga and Meditation

"As your eyes open, you'll see that your state of health, happiness, and every circumstance of your life has been, in large part, arranged by you- consciously or unconsciously." -Way Of The Peaceful Warrior
What a great quote! Makes you think about things, and realize that you are in control of your life, and you can do whatever you want! Don't blame anyone for not going after your goals in life....

I just got back from the Bahamas again yesterday for Pango Pango Swimwear.  Another wonderful trip.  This time I got a little more free time.  I actually was able to take an earlier flight over and read for 2 hours before everyone else came.  Now, that I get up early I also got to go to the beach every morning at six or seven am to do yoga and meditate.  Today is actually my 5th day of meditation. 
I switched from reading Raw books to yoga books and spiritual books.   I keep reading of all the wonderful things that come from meditation, and how it helps your life for the better in so many ways.  So I thought, I want to check this out and see what this is all about! I want to experience this magic! I want the clarity.  I want to be able to tap into my intuition and creativity.

I'm reading Way Of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman and 40 Days to Personal Revolution by Baron Baptiste.  40 Days to Personal Revolution is Baron Baptiste's 2nd book.  I finished Journey Into Power, his first book, explaining all about yoga.  When I get interested in something, I just want to totally submerse myself in it and learn everything that I can possibly learn about it.  Right now, that seems to be Yoga! At my yoga studio they are offering a 200 hour Teacher Training Certification Class.  It teaches to teach a challenging power vinyasa

yoga class.
- basic anatomy and physiology.
- more about yourself through self study
exercises and discussions.
- the breakdown, alignment,
modifications, and sequencing of
- to assist and evaluate students ...
physically and emotionally.
- Ujjayi and Pranayama breathing
- yoga’s beginnings through group
studies of the yoga scriptures. (Yamas
& Niyamas, Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras,
and the Bhagavad-Gita).
- lifestyles and ethics for yoga teachers.
- communication and presentation
skills to teach to different levels of
yoga experience.
- that teaching yoga goes beyond the
yoga classroom.
- yoga as a business.
I was so excited! This is everything that I want to learn and know! I was getting ready to sign up for the classes when I realized that it conflicted with my work schedule.  :(   The good news is, since I won't be taking that, I can spend more time now working on my paintings.  :) 
Since I signed up for yoga a few weeks ago, I barely miss a day and on some days take 2 classes in a row.  It makes you feel amazing.  Baron Baptiste said that for good results, go 3 days a week.  For life transforming results, go 5 or 6.
So, since I'm an over achiever... I go 7!
First, I started out with the Raw Diet.  Then, the next natural progression seemed to lead me to Yoga.  Then, the next natural progression seemed to lead me to books on spirituality and meditating.  These things all seem to lead to more peace and clarity.  Wanting to take care of my body from the inside out and the outside in.  I've been spending a lot of time by myself reading and thinking about the big picture of my life.  I've been feeling very positive and creative. 
I can't wait to see what's next for me, after I gain a better understanding of spirituality and mediation and how that will help me with my creativity and intuition.  I can feel myself changing everyday.  All I know right now, is that I'm a happy girl.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

So much to say, so much to say!

O, It's been so long since I've written! And so much has happened and changed... for the better! I don't even know where to start! Let's see... I've been Raw Vegan for over 2 months... pretty darn close to 100%.  I feel amazing.  I've been reading non stop ever since I started.  My focus started at the Raw diet, then I read some longevity books, now I'm reading a Yoga book that I highly recommend.   

I took a trip to NYC with my mom, I'll have to dedicate a whole blog to that trip.  What an amazing time! We went on a Raw Food Restaurant Tour, as we like to say.  What a great, special time that propelled me in my journey!!

After that, I went to the Bahamas for another photo shoot for Pango Pango Swimwear that featured a classic white polka dots on black fabric.  We did a shoot on the tennis and golf courses and underwater as well. 

 As soon as I came back from the Bahamas I started my Yoga Practice.  6 days in a row now! I feel absolutely amazing.  It just seems like the next practical step in my journey for a Raw, Pure Life. 
 I found the
perfect studio
 for me.
In the Bahamas, I met a man named Chik Shank, and he holds workshops that challenge your believed limits.  That's a whole other story too, I'll have to devote a whole page on that.  Let's just say it ended with us doing a fire walk!

Tomorrow, I have an "uncooking" lesson with a chef that graduated from the Living Light Institute in California, which is a Raw Vegan Culinary Institute.  I'm actually getting really creative on my own with lots of new dishes.  By the way, my mom is now mostly Raw Vegan as well and lost about 15 pounds!

I can honestly say that I have NEVER felt or looked better in my life.  I have never felt more healthy or more in tune with my body.  I feel like I'm getting better and stronger and healthier everyday.  I wake up everyday without an alarm now! That's never really happened to me before.  I guess I've been so excited about yoga that I pop up out of bed to hurry there to get started. 

I want to spend some time reading today before I head to work, so I'm not going to go into too much detail, but soon I'll have pictures from each trip and highlights about what I loved about each one.

I'm so happy, I just want to share all I've learned with everyone that I care about so they can feel this happiness too.  I would like to pass my blessings on.  Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Didn't Stick to 100% RAW, Feeling Less Than Perfect

This weekend we needed to go shopping.  Sunday there wasn't much here to eat, and there wasn't anything to make a green shake.  I didn't feel that great anyway on Sunday so I didn't go grocery shopping.  I ate a few pieces of Ezekiel toast and EVOO.  Then I went to work.  I didn' pack a salad, I didn't bring any food.  At the end of my night I had a romaine salad, EVOO, and some Parmesan Cheese.  That was my first mistake!  Adding dairy to my diet, a month after I decided to go vegan didn't sit too well.  When I got home, I was still hungry so I picked on more stuff in my fridge... cheese.  I ate peanut butter. I woke up yesterday kind of feeling like I had a food hangover.

Yesterday was a great day.  We went to West Palm Beach to see a live demo and lecture from Ani Phyo.  She's a RAW Foodist and she wrote a few books.  I had my book signed by her, and enjoyed talking with her.  You should check out her books.  She has great energy and a great soul.   She did a demo on Tomato Soup with Tarragon.  It was tasty.  After the lecture, and some food from The Soma Center, we went grocery shopping.  I was really in the mood for something sweet, and picked on Raw treats the whole time we shopped.  I was going to make the Tomato Soup for dinner, but when we got home we decided to make Amy's Organic Pizza.  I had hundreds of dollars worth of HEALTHY groceries, but I was already on roll, why not? I also picked on our Raw Cheese for the rest of the night.  All I did was lay on the couch and watch TV.  I was tired.  It was just one of those nights.   Today I woke up an hour later than usual, and without all the energy that I've been experiencing the past month.  I guess I did an experiment on myself, not on purpose, but since my diet has not been up to par the past two days I did learn a few things. 
I learned that the cleaner, better and raw-er that I eat, the better I feel...the more energy I have.  Cooked foods weigh me down, hurt my stomach, and make me sleep longer.  They suck my energy.  I still feel groggy.  My stomach still hurts.  It's like night and day, the way I feel.  I can't believe I feel this way, which makes me want to tell people to eat RAW so they can feel the way I was so lucky to discover... the way with all the energy and clarity.  It's like I discovered a whole new way to live, and since I didn't live up to my par the past few days I can clearly feel the difference.  I hope that you will try Raw for a month.  It really is life changing, and the way you feel, your attitude, everything is different and better.

Friday, June 11, 2010

One Month Raw Report! 50 Secrets of the World's Longest Living People

Good Morning everyone! It's been one month RAW! I did it! I havent' been 100% Raw, but as close as I could get.  On vacation, as I reported, I ate small portions of fish at night.  I also drink Green Tea, which technically is not Raw, but I know how important it is for me.  The first week was difficult.  I felt really out of it.  I felt really weak at the gym.  My strength and stamina were down.  Then I found a Raw Protein Powder and that really helped me.  Since vacation, and back to the gym, I haven't really used to protein too much.  I have adapted to not so much protein as I used to have.  I have a powerful shake every morning, and that actually gets me through my workouts.  
In the past month my appetite has gone way down! I'm over the hump of the new lifestyle.  I'm the most comfortable I've ever been in my life with a diet.  I don't have all the crazy cravings I'm used to having everyday.  Everyday was usually a challenge to avoid sugary foods.  My average weight used to range from 131-137, depending on how much I cheated any given week.  I would strive to be under 130 for photo shoots.  (I would kill myself on the treadmill cramming all my workouts in to get ready for a shoot!)  My weight is now 127 everyday!   I have so much energy! Anyone that knows me, knows I didn't usually get up before 11 am.  Now, I wake up before my alarm everyday at 9:45-10 am.  I don't need as much sleep.  I am more organized.  I cleaned up my diet, and other things in my life started cleaning up as well.  I'm constantly reading.  I can't soak up enough information. I have over 15 books on the subject of RAW food and Secrets of Longevity.  Not only do I want to look good, I also want to feel amazing.  I want to learn how to stay feeling amazing throughout my whole life, and fuel my body, respect my body, and treat it right, so it will treat me right for the rest of my life.  I'm happier than I've ever been! I feel in control of my life.  I'm a sugar addict, and this diet has helped me get in control.  I finally don't think about food 24/7; sure I still think of it a lot, but now I'm not always craving brownies.  I kicked coffee!  I cannot recommend this enough! Everything that the books said would happen... All the energy, great feeling of well being, clarity, happy mood, weight loss, glowing skin... it's all true!! It really is a life changing difference, and I could not be happier!!!
I'm enjoying a powerful shake right now...
Dried Gogi Berries
Wild Blueberries
Cracked Chollera
Spinach and Arugula
Raw Cocao
Coconut Water
Just my morning shake is at least 6 servings of fruits and veggies.  "Strive for 5" is not enough!  I read that you really need to strive for 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day.  In fact, I just finished another book. 
The book studied the cultures of Okinawa, Japan, where residents have 70% fewer heart attacks than Americans.  Symi, Greece, whose ageless inhabitants reap the benefits of diet rich in extra virgin olive oil.  Campodimele, Italy, the "village of eternal youth", where adult cholesterol levels are equivalent to those of infants.  Hunza, Pakistan, the real Shangri-La, where apricot's healthful benefits are legendary.  Bama, China, the "hometown of longevity," which boast exceptionally low rates of disease and cancer.
The factor I noticed that they all had in common was that the main staple of their diets were veggies and fruits that were organically grown.  Also healthy fats, oils, nuts, seeds.  If they had meat, it was only for special occasions or as a side dish.  The veggies were the main staple of their meals, and the meat would be on the side or a topping.  The opposite of America, where meat is the main focus, and the veggies are a side dish.  When they did eat meat, it was lean, organic meat from their own animals.  They also enjoyed red wine with dinner.  The cultures are simple.  They all partake in exercise everyday.  They walk everywhere everyday.  The elderly still work into their 100's.  They aren't made to feel that their days are over.  The older they become, the more respected they are for their knowledge.  The centurians still work everyday, walk everyday, and the word "retirement" is not in their vocabulary.  Family and a strong sense of community; a tight social network is important to them.  The societies were all very close with one another and at nights they would all hang out together singing, and dancing.  Lots of generations lived together in the same house.
There are no fast food restaurants.  Smoking is not common.  A small amount of wine, especially red wine, is good for you, and is drunk in MODERATION by many long-lived people.  And by moderation, I mean ONE drink a day for women, and TWO drinks a day for me.  More than that, especially hard liquor, will significantly speed up the aging process.  Pharmaceutical drugs are avoided.  Refined Sugan is the most degenerated food there is!  Caffeine, like sugar, is addictive.  Salt increases blood pressure and raises the risk of heart disease.  Canned food, tap water, mercury amalgam fillings, and contaminated meat are all sources of toxic heavy metals, which accumulate in the body and cause degenerative diseases.  Plastic wrap and plastic packages contain hormone-disruptive chemicals that are linked with conditions such as infertility and hormone-related cancers.
There is lots of fresh air, they spend a lot of time outdoors being active.  They grow their own veggies, fruits, herbs, livestock, wine..

Without giving a book report, I will list the 50 secrets, but I really recommend reading the book, because there are too many details for me to get into all the info. 
1.  Eat Until You Are Only Eight Parts Full
2.  Consume at least 5-7 Servings (up to 10) of Fresh Organic and Veggies Daily
3.  Choose Buckwheat, Brown Rice, and Other Whole Grains4.  Eat Sprouted Bread
5.  Use Hemp (No, I'm not talking about weed!)
6.  Eat Meat as a Treat
7.  Prepare Your Meat Right
8.  Choose Organic Goat's and Sheep's Cheese
9.  Be Full of Beans
10.  Have a Good Egg
11.  Find Good Fats in Fish
12.  Have a Handful of Nuts and Seeds Daily
13.  Choose the Wonder Oil- Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
14.  Use Garlic and Onions- Nature's Healers
15.  Beware of Fats in Disguise
16.  Keep Away with a Salad a Day
17.  Discover the Power of Crunchy Veggies
18.  Give Thanks of Sweet Potatoes
19.  Enjoy Pizza
20.  Snack on Apricot Kernels
21.  Find Long Life in a Bowl of Cherries
22.  Have Yogurt for Very Friendly Bacteria
23.  Eat Fermented Foods
24.  Choose Soy- the Traditional Way
25.  Sprout Your Own Superfoods
26.  Eat Magical Mushrooms
27.  Remember Your Herbs
28.  Don't Pass the Salt
29.  Go Organic and Avoid "Frankenfoods" (Genetically Modified)
30.  Chew
31.  Beware the Pastry Counter
32.  Have a Glass of Red Wine with Dinner
33.  Make Time for Tea- Green Tea
34.  Drink Water- the Most Essential Nutrient
35.  Combine Your Foods
36.  Spring- Clean with Juices and Saunas
37. Supplement Your Diet
38.  Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
39.  Get Your Daily Dose of Sunshine
40.  Jog Your Memory
41.  Breath- and Hum
42.  Sit Still and Do Nothing
43.  Have Faith
44.  Laugh It Off
45.  Sing in the Shower
46.  Give Help to Others
47.  Marry- or Get a Dog
48.  Invite a Friend
49.  Avoid the SAD- the Standard American Diet!
50.  Sleep
This list goes into great detail in the book, all the reasons why.  Also, it explains how these things are important in the different cultures in the book.  The first section of the book goes into great detail about each culture, and even gives case studies of centurians.  It's definitely worth reading.  I learned a lot! I will try to incorporate more into my lifestyle!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Just had the best lunch ever! I finally found a RAW restaurant close to home.  Well, close to home when the only other one I went to was in Miami.  It's in Lake Worth with a second location in West Palm Beach.  We must have been there for 1.5 to 2 hours.  What didn't we try?! And if anyone ever boo's Raw or Vegan Food, then they have to go there to see how totally fabulous it is.  A lot of stuff, you would never know it wasn't cooked.  Please check it out at http://www.thesomacenter.com/  I had a Raw Pizza, some Salsa, some Hummus, Chocolate Mousse (made with avocado!!), Flax Crackers, Raw Walnut Pate, Kale Hemp salad, Thai Noodle Collard Salad, Raw Tomato Bisque, Rawkies, and then a few dishes to go! It was like a dream come true to find such gourmet food in a wonderful, comfortable setting near me.  I'm happy! Karen, who helped us out, recommended her friend who gives "uncooking" private lessons.  I left my number, I'm going to have her come over and give me an hr or 2 lesson to get me gourmet in my kitchen.  I think it would be so much fun to host a RAW FOOD party with all my friends that were interested, and those that weren't.  I would have a speaker that would tell everyone all the benefits, and everyone would never believe the food they were eating was so darn healthy! 
I also found out that an author of one of my books will be speaking soon at one of the centers and signing books!  I feel like it's all coming together... I'm trekking right along, just how I'm supposed to on my Raw Journey!

A Doozy of a Shake, Salad Dressing

Today's shake is a doozy, but I need all the energy I need.  It's going to be a long day at the gym.  Cardio, Chest and Tri. 
Wild Blueberries
Lots of dried Gogi Berries
A huge amount of Kale, Chard, Carrots, Dill Weed
Maca Root Powder
Sun Chlorella Granules
Spirulina Pacifica Crystal Flakes (The product is produced in Hawaii.  An excellent source of natural Beta- Carotene, a good source of iron, provides 30 mg Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) per serving)
Pure Coconut Water and Ice
I added a little more dried gogi berries than usual to drown out the green salady taste of all of the kale I added today.

I talked a little yesterday about the chlorella, but I have a little more info today. 
Chlorella is 58% protein, carbs, all B vitamins, C, E, amino acids and rare trace minerals.  "Virtually a complete food".  More B12 than liver, plus beta-carotene.  Chlorophyll helps cleanse the blood stream.  High in RNA and DNA and protects against UV radiation.  Excellent source of protein to vegans.  That's good news! I'll be sure to include some everyday into my diet!

Yesterday I didn't end up sticking to a green juice diet.  For lunch before work I tried out a new bread I bought called Manna bread.  It's a sprouted bread similar to Ezekiel Bread but they say it is baked at very low temperatures to  spare the enzymes.  It's a lot more moist and cake like.  I spread my nut cheese that I made on it.  It was really good!

I was so busy at work, I never had a chance to have my green shake, but later in the night I had cabbage with my new dressing that I made.  It was really good, and I'll use the new dressing a lot!
EVOO cold pressed
Coconut Vinegar (there is no coconut flavor)
Spirulina Flakes
Lemon Juice
It's amazing how filling a little cabbage is, and how delicious something so simple could be!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yummy Melon Shake

Time for lunch- I made a Yummy Melon Shake.
Half a watermelon
Half a honey dew
Coconut Water

It's so hot outside, what a refreshing treat!

Green Breakfast, Raw Pizza, Unpacking

Lots of greens and shakes needed today.  Yesterday started off good with a lot of fruit for breakfast and lunch, but by the time I came home at 6 pm I was pretty hungry and tired so I started eating all my dehydrated snacks and raw cacao treats.   The raw pizza didn't turn out so good.  The pizza sauce was too runny, and I didn't have the right nuts for the nut cheese.  I ended up using the tomato sauce as a tomato soup with the nut cheese as a topping for that with spinach and onions in it, and that was really crunchy and delicious.  I also didn't have the right crust, but it was fun to try.  Anyway, I never had any salad or big green shake yesterday, so today I will make up for it!

Since I don't work out today, I won't be as hungry and I'll stick to shakes, lemon water and salad greens.  So here's today's breakfast recipe...
Wild Blueberries
Fresh Kale
Fresh Collard Greens
Chlorella (a microscopic freshwater single-celled green algae, a nutrient- dense superfood that contains 60% protein, 18 amino acids (including all essential amino acids), and various vitamins and minerals. It's deep color comes from its extremely high amount of chlorophyll.  The highest amount of chlorophyll of any known plant.)
A shot of Wheatgrass Boost
A spoonful of Sunwarrior Supergreens (Made from the purest pro biotic greens grown on high altitude volcanic rich soil)
Pure Coconut water

A few spoonfuls of my smoothie, and I already feel my morning coffee buzz! In all the books I'm reading they say to pay attention to how your body feels after eating certain foods so you can decide what are the best foods for your body.  I definitely feel best after my green shakes.  Not the best after my dehydrated food and treats.  I think they should be just that- treats.  But Saturdays are my cheat day, and I ate to my heart's content.  I'm just glad it was all raw.  Sean kept offering me some of his little pizza he made.  It looked mostly healthy, but since I had my own just blended raw sauce, why would I want his jar tomato sauce and cheese?  I stuck to my diet! I also tried some Blue Agave yesterday instead of honey and it has a really good sweetness to it.  O yeah, and the water I used to soak my nuts and sundried tomatoes in, I used to water my plants.  It's nature's Miracle Grow!

I still need to unpack from the Bahamas.  I've been so wrapped up in writing this, and then checking the pix on Facebook from the Bahamas, I haven't been too up on my housework.  I do want to go through all my drawers and downsize.  I want to simplify! I was watching the show "Neat" yesterday and they just dump everything in the middle of the room and divide it into Need, Donate, Trash.  Junk gets collected so easily.  You always need to be purging a room it seems or it will all pile up.  Well, I guess I'll go unpack my suitcase.  I know the closet needs to be purged and my makeup drawers too.  Off to clean!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wheatgrass, Tropical Shake, Salad Dressing

My breakfast today is definitely a treat!

Half of a honey dew melon
One banana
Coconut water
A little Sunwarrior Vanilla Protein Powder (for flavor)
It tastes as good as any frozen drink that you would get in the Bahamas! It's thick and creamy and tropical tasting.
Before my shake I started out with a Wheatgrass Boost- Clean Green Energy by Argo Labs.  It has vitamins B3, B6, and B12.  It's all natural and preservative free.  I don't have a wheatgrass juicer, nor do I grow wheatgrass, so this convenient shot is great for me.  Just google "wheatgrass" and see what comes up... it's pretty amazing stuff.  When I happen to be at a health food store and they offer it, I get a shot freshly juiced.  It tastes like you are drinking fresh cut grass! Well, you are! You are literally drinking grass.  Well, the juice of it.
Great way to start the day! My shakes give you more energy than coffee, and I'm giving my body what it needs to feel great.

Yesterday I went to the nutritional market and bought a bunch of dehydrated food and treats.  I kind of pigged out on them for lunch.  My workout was 2 1/2 hours yesterday so when I finally got home from the gym and shopping, I was starving.  I decided to take a light dinner to work.  Organic Cabbage and a home made salad dressing. The cabbage was really filling and I didn't need too much to satisfy me. The dressing was
Olive Oil Cold Pressed
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Splash of Water
It really had a kick to it!  Tonight I'll make my live pizza! I just put pine nuts, cashews, and Brazilian nuts (all raw) in water to soak them a little to soften them up).  I'm still really new at all this, so I will report back and let you know how it turns out!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Breakfast Shake, Raw Pizza

Good Morning, Everyone! It's another lovely day in Florida.  I just had a big shake for breakfast.  I've been having it almost everyday now, or variations of it.

Dried Gogi Berries
Raw Cacao
Kale Leaves
Bok Chop Leaves
Maca Powder
Irish Moss
E3 Live- is a 100% Aphanizomenom flos-aquae blue-green algae (AFA) for short that is an all organic wild harvested aqua botanical considered by renowned health authorities to be nature's most beneficial superfood.
A little water and ice.

Since drinking these every morning, I don't need coffee anymore.  I haven't had any since May 10th! If anyone knows me, they know how addicted to coffee I was.  I would drink it from 11 am to 6 pm all day long.  Now I have more energy making my fresh organic shakes in the morning.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to make a raw pizza.  The sauce seems pretty easy, it's the nut cheese I'm worried about.  If it turns out, I'll share the recipe.  Everyone knows that Saturday night is pizza night for me! Except now, I will forgo the soda. (I was never into soda, just a Cherry Coke Zero with my Pizza) I haven't had one since sometime in May.  Please read "Skinny Bitch", so you can understand why!  And I'll forgo the actual dairy cheese.  I haven't had pizza since probably May 2nd.  Since starting the RAW diet, I've lost 5 pounds.  I'm hoping it's not muscle that I'm losing since I haven't been lifting weights too much since I've been traveling.  I'm actually about to head to the gym now and then the grocery store.  Gotta pick up some more kale, spinach, and another different green to blend into my shakes.  I try to get something different each time.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bahamas Pango Photo Shoot, A RAW Recipe of mine

After we returned from Nicaragua, it was off to the Bahamas! Photo and video shoot- Pango Pango Swimwear! Took a small 10 passenger plane there, and as soon as I arrived, a taxi was waiting for me.  It took me to our villa and Joni said, "Ok, Let's go shoot!"  I said, "Can I put on a little makeup first?"  I literally just got in, and they whisked me away to the sandbar.  I was doing cartwheels and jumps and having lots of fun.  We stuck around for sunset... the BEST time to shoot.  Awesome background! Doesn't even seem real, it's so perfect.

After we shot, we had dinner at the villa.  There was a bunch of FRESH, FRESH fish and salad.  I only had salad.  I eat super light during shooting.  Then we went to the little bar.  It was pretty busy.

The next day we went to Nippers and shot all day and listened to music.  We had a lot of fun! I wish I could do that everyday.  What a dream job.  Later that night we went home, got showered and headed back out to the little neighborhood bar.  Had a wee bit o champagne... Rose- my favorite!

The next day it was back to Ft. Lauderdale, our short trip was over! Better short than no trip to the Bahamas, Joni says. 

I headed down to my new favorite cafe in Miami.  Lifefood Gourmet.  It's a totally RAW, ORGANIC cafe.  Check out the awesome menu! http://www.lifefoodgourmet.com/ 
I had the tomato soup and the cheese pizza.  I took home the Curry soup, Caesar salads, and supreme pizza.  In fact, I just made my own LIVE soup with the ingredients in my fridge, and I'd like to share it with you! I just got home from an hour of cardio up a steep hill and needed some food!

One bag of Organic Spinach
Apple Cider Vinegar
Olive Oil
Spoon of Irish Moss
Cayenne Pepper
Just enough water to get it moving.  Make it warm if you desire a warm soup, but not hot.
Blend it up and enjoy! Delicious!!

I feel great! I'll also give you my breakfast shake recipe tomorrow!

Canopy Tour and Around Town, Last Night In Nicaragua

We're waiting at the airport for our plane.  It's a few minutes late.  Sean is reading books at the book stand learning about Nicaragua.  Yesterday was a fun filled adventure.  We woke up in our rain forest house and then took a ride with Amadeo down to town for lunch at The Bamboo Beach Club.  I had the same Mahi Mahi that I had the night that we went there for dinner.  It was very good! The rain cleared up while we were having lunch so we decided to call for the Canopy Tour.  Jose came and picked us up and took us there.  The ride up the mountain in the jeep was super scary.  We were going up a very straight hill and lost traction and the way they got us up there was a guy jumping up and down on the hood to give it more weight up front.  I was so glad to get to the top! The views from the top were spectacular.  The zip lines were fun and crazy til we got to the one that had a fallen tree branch on it.  Eddie, one of the tour guides had to ride all the zip lines all the way back down the mountain and then take the jeep all the way back up, and then zip down to the one we were on and take a machete and chop down the branches.  I got some great pictures of him hanging upside down chopping up the large tree branches.  After that we continued on and saw a few monkeys! One was even in the same tree as us! They were howler monkey and were starting to howl because it was starting to rain.

After the canopy was over, Jose took us to the Pelican's Eye, a hotel with 2 restaurants and 3 pools on the side of a mountain.  The views were probably some of the best in San Juan del Sur and the infinity pool looked like it dropped off into the ocean below.  we stayed there outside by the pool and read our books for a long while.  Rain came and left us.

When it got dark we walked down all the steps and hills and headed into town.  We wandered around for a while and found a little bar on the beach.  There were some lights on so we sat in the chairs on the beach and I read my novel and Sean just took the scenery and the Tona in! Waves were crashing, the Cristo was lit up, the boats were in the harbor.  The employees came and built a small fire on the beach right in front of us.  Later the rest of the crew joined us for a round of drinks.  Then they headed back to Los Balcones with their carryout pizza.  A few minutes after they left a live band came and set up and played Reggae.  We just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  We picked the bar that had a little bonfire and live music.  we were probably there for 2 or 3 hours and just enjoyed the great breeze, beautiful scenery and awesome music for our last night in San Juan del Sur.  At 10 pm we called Amadeo and he came and picked us up and took us back up the mountain into the rain forest.

When we got to Los Balcones there was the security guard sitting on his tiny little stool at the foot of our driveway like he always was.  Even in the dark and pouring down rain he sits on a little stool there.  It's amazing.  The rain definitely doesn't faze them at all.  And once again, everyone we dealt with went out of their was to help us out.  Over and beyond, actually.  Everyone has been very welcoming.  It's a totally different vibe than in Mexico.  When a guy walked up to us to show us some jewelry on the beach he just kind of showed us.  No pressure, no fast talking.  He didn't seem to care if we bought it or not.  That's definitely the opposite of how it is in Mexico.  And when were getting rides from Jose from the Canopy Tour he told us great places to stay for next time.  Then he walked  us up into the Pelican's Eye and told the bartender we were going to have some drinks and that we wanted to use the pool.  When the bartender said it was $5 for the non guests, Jose called down to the other pool to see if we could go for free there.  Then he didn't even ask or act like he expected a tip.  He said Ok, Bye! We told him to wait, he had given us a ride to and from Canopy Tour and also called around and tried to find us a pool and then didn't expect $. The same with Amedeo when he took us into town.  We took out $10 since we didn't have to take a cab and he said, "No, no, I just like to get out of Los Balcones for a while."  But we insisted! He saved us cab fare and I rather ride with him than a taxi.  He also called us later in the evening when were at the Pier by the bonfire and said to call him at anytime and he will pick us up and take us back to Los Balcones.  It just amazes me how accommodating everyone is.

I'm leaving Nicaragua with a great impression of the people that live here, and I would like to come back!

Next stop..... Miami! And maybe lunch is South Beach!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ATV's, Wedding & Los Balcones

Yesterday was a most eventful day!
  I started my day with mass amounts of fruit.  After that, we headed up to the room to get ready for out ATV tour.  The best excursion EVER.  We had these bad ass fast ATV's and took them all over San Juan del Sur.  We went through the town, to two beaches, up mud trails, through the forest, and up to the Cristo.  The Cristo is a giant statue of Jesus Christ on top of a mountain at the tallest point.  It was a muddy, fast adventure! We even saw a monkey in the trees jumping from branch to branch like a squirrel.  We got lots of pictures from up top by the Cristo.  What a great way to see the town!

After we returned from our awesome trip we sat by the pool and ordered lunch.  I ordered a big fruit platter that consisted of a giant slice of watermelon, cantaloupe, bananas, pineapple, a side of honey and a side of a half shot of Grand Marnier.  I couldn't even finish all the fruit.  All for $4.95.  Wow.  I wish I could get fruit platters at restaurants back home for that cost.  Sean drank the Grand Marnier.  Then we swam for about 20 minutes and headed back to the room.  We showered and got ready for the wedding and pack up our suitcases and headed to the pool.

Gabby asked me for my passport and I didn't understand why.  I thought it had to do with the ATV tour and I told her I already showed them my passport.  Then she explained that it had to do with being a witness.  Surprise! I was Becca's maid of honor! I didn't even know till we came down to the wedding! She looked amazing in a form fitting white elegant dress.  James had a white Tommy Bahama looking shirt and white linen pants.   The ceremony was done in Spanish and translated line by line into English by Gabby.  The background to the wedding was the pool, mountains, and the Cristo.  It was perfect.  I can' t wait to see the pictures! The photographer had taken them into town before the wedding and got some great shots of them walking around the streets.  After the ceremony we had champagne and then went to the restaurant. 

The restaurant was owned by a couple from San Francisco.  The menu had great options.  I had a watermelon gazpacho with avocado and extra virgin olive oil.  It was like a puree.  Very delicate and not too sweet.  I'll have to look that recipe up when I get home and make it.  It was so light and healthy.  Sean ordered the fresh tuna sashimi chunks that were marinated in soy sauce.  Talk about fresh! It was the deepest color red I have ever seen in sashimi in my life, and I have never tasted anything like it before.  The freshness was incredible.  A 100 year bottle of wine was popped open from James' Grandfather and passed around.  Numerous shots of Flor de Cana were brought to the table.  Sean and I shared a bottle of champagne.  For dinner I ordered the rooster fish with steamed broccoli.  I ate all the steamed broccoli first and by the time I got to the rooster fish I was full.  I only had one bite, and then passed it over to Sean.  It was more of a steak fish.  I was very happy with my veggies, they were so delicious, and they didn't use any butter or oil.  Flourless Chocolate Cake was served and I actually passed! It look so decadent.  Everyone tried to get me to try it.  Once the cake was taken away I thought how all I had to do was wait out 15 minutes and then the cake was gone and I felt so happy that I didn't feel deprived at all! And I didn't feel guilty because I didn't have any sugar!

Gabby moved down to our end of the table and Sean and I picked her brain about Nicaragua for an hour! We asked her everything we could think of.  I really like San Juan del Sur.  I asked her the best way to learn Spanish.  She said there is an Instant Immersion program.  She would match us up to a family that she thought we would fit with, and according to what comforts we like such as air conditioning.  Then we would come over here.  I would start my day with a Yoga program and then go to four hours of Spanish class, then break for lunch, and then go back for 4 more hours.  Then we would have dinner with our "family".  We could then go out to a bar, or choose to stay at home and spend time with our family.  That's a trip I've always wanted to take!  I've always said that I wish that I was dropped off in the middle of a Spanish speaking country and forced to learn the language.  The program is about ten days, and then we could spend the next four days at a resort to complete our 2 week vacation. 

We asked Gabby about everything from questions about the government to questions about why there is no day light savings time and why the sun sets at 6 everyday.  She told us that San Juan del Sur is very safe.  There are sometimes some flare ups in Manuaga.  She said a bunch of kids get together and cause a scene and the rest of the people roll their eyes and drive two blocks around them.  Usually someone records it and then they play it on CNN and it looks like the country is in upheaval.  From what I could see I never felt like my safely was threatened; I always felt comfortable.  Everyone has been so friendly.

After dinner we all headed up the mountain to our next residence called Los Balcones.  It is a self sustained house with solar power and a water filtration system.  We are literally in the middle of the rain forest! We don't have AC, but you don't need it.  It's all open air with screens everywhere.  Some walls are full screen walls.  The house is made of a beautiful, rich wood.  Sean and I are staying in a detached house a few steps away with a kitchenette.  I slept like a baby.  I feel so close to nature with the gentle breeze blowing through our house all night long.  I woke up at 7 am.  It's such an amazing and clean feeling.  The house has a nice big kitchen, 2 other bedrooms with bathrooms and a master suite.  Each set of bedrooms, including ours is not attached to the house; there are a few stone steps in between.  Ours is a little further away though.  They said practice the rules of camping.  Shake out your sheets before you get into bed and check your shoes before putting them on.  There could be scorpions.  

I want to come back in a few months and stay with a Nicaraguan family.  I would start everyday with yoga and then 8 hours of Spanish...sounds like my perfect vacation.  When I get back I'm going to look into my local neighborhood yoga studio.  I looked it up online and it looks really cool.  I will also finish my Spanish One workbook that I was using when I was taking classes.   I also have a list of verbos that I should know more of. 

From what I have experienced in Nicaragua I'm sad to leave tomorrow.  I feel very welcome here.  Don't get me wrong, there are some very poor living conditions around here but there are also places like the ones that we stayed in that are very comfortable as well.  It's nice to get away and not watch TV.  I already decided that I would try to do better things with my time that watch TV.  Between work, the gym, painting, Spanish, and yoga I will always have something to do.  I like reading a lot and have been blowing through health books lately.  I have a new dehydrator to play with when I get back.  I have lists and lists of books that I want to read.

I just can't explain the wonderful feeling of happiness I feel right now sitting at the little table in my rain forest house.  It is totally overcast and no need for AC.  The breeze is just the right amount circulating air all around our place.  We have the Bose speakers playing my OM play list.  It's happy, upbeat and relaxing.  I'm taking deep breaths to get the fresh, clean forest air into my lungs.  Yes, I'll be sad to leave Nicaragua... no responsibilities.  Just relaxing and enjoying our surroundings.